How I Made a Custom O-Ring Gasket with Versimold & a Jar of Pasta Sauce

How I Made a Custom O-Ring Gasket with Versimold & a Jar of Pasta Sauce

Sometimes the benefits of having a product that you can do just about anything with is that you end up making things just because you can. That's exactly what I did over the weekend when I had an abundance of free time and didn't feel like adulting (cutting the grass, cleaning the bathroom, that sort of stuff).

As you can see below, my main mission was to replicate or create a replacement o-ring gasket for my water bottle that I've been using every day for over two years. There's nothing technically wrong with the existing gasket, but I had to make sure I had the ability to replace any parts on this trusty beverage vessel of mine so I took it upon myself to make a new gasket from yellow Versimold.

This entire project took me about 10 minutes (not including staging and beauty shots for the audience) which goes to show you that if you're in a pickle and need a rubber part that is either too expensive, or hard to find, Versimold may be a lifesaver (or at least a time saver). The only "tools" I used were a new jar of Barilla pasta sauce (tomato & basil for those detailed folks), a standard plastic measuring cup (up to 1 cup in size), a cheap pocket knife, a pair of scissors, and of course, a heat gun.

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